Hi! I'm [ao3] Heather. Thank you so much for writing for me, and for offering my fandom(s) in the first place. My tastes are all over the place, and I'm easy to please, so no pressure.

Some general guidelines:

- I like gen, het, slash, and femslash all just fine!

- For lighter stuff, I love humor, romance, banter, bickering odd couples, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, friends to enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies to lovers, bitter exes who can't quit each other, pining, and characters being bad at feelings.

- For darker things, I love creepy, slow-build, slow-burn horror that's all about the never-ending tension. I don't have a very strong stomach for violence, though, so if you could keep that to a minimum, I'd appreciate it.

- In general, I'm into worldbuilding and setting porn- that is, if you're really into loving, detailed descriptions of the world the characters live in, by all means, indulge yourself! I'm a very visual reader, and I eat that stuff up like candy. And I've never liked a canon where I didn't want to know more about its culture and history. I also like found family (complimentary) and found family (pejorative) a lot and you'll kind of see that as a thread for a lot of my requests.

- I love all ratings equally, from General Audiences to Explicit. If you lean more towards the Mature to Explicit range, I'm pretty good with most kinks, provided they don't involve corpses, animals, children, or bodily fluids. I'm sometimes okay with dubcon (e.g, alcohol-driven first times, provided both characters really wanted it and are fine afterwards) but this tends to be situational and by fandom or pairing. I'm not usually a fan of noncon and would rather only get it if I requested it. Please no unrequested mpreg.

- I generally prefer it if the fic fits the tone of the canon it's for: light-hearted fic for light-hearted fandoms, darker fic for the darker ones. Once in a while, I'll have a darker prompt in a lighter canon or vice versa, but if my prompts don't grab you, then this is a really good rule of thumb!

Above all, though, my favorite thing to see in a fic is one where it feels like the writer really enjoyed what they were doing, so please, please, try to write something that makes you happy. ♥

Some sections of this letter are more rambly than others. Please take that as "letters are hard to write and my thoughts became more streamlined the longer trying to write it went on," not "I want this more than I want something else." Trust me. Everything in here is stuff I love and in most cases have wanted for a while. There is no unfavorite.

Optional details are, of course, optional, but if you'd like a prompt to help you get started, read on!

Buffyverse (TV) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV))

Solo: Chinese Slayer (BtVS S05E07 Fool for Love/AtS S02E07 Darla) (Buffyverse TV)

Solo: Nikki Wood (Buffyverse TV)

Solo: 1930s Korean Slayer (BtVS S01E09 The Puppet Show) (Buffyverse TV)

Solo: Original Virginian Enslaved Slayer (Buffyverse TV)

Solo: Original Magyar Slayer (Buffyverse TV)

Solo: Original Indian Princess Slayer (Buffyverse TV)

With basically all of these, my desire is the same. /o\ I just want to read some cool historical gen about one of Buffy's predecessors. The ones marked "original" are technically ones mentioned in one version of the canon or another (see here) but have no real development other than that. I wanna see them developed! I would especially love to see them interacting with historical events or historical people. (If you liked the film The Handmaiden, that's set in Korea in the 30s and has a lot of beautiful imagery and just the right amount of menacing vibes to give a real sense of a place and a time to ground supernatural stuff in. :D? Also, fun fact: the Magyar people are Hungarian. Countess Elizabeth Bathory, anyone? :D?)

Aside on the Indian princess: I don't know what Joss Whedon's intentions were with that label, but when I use it, I actually mean a princess from India, a country that actually historically had some. Plus, Slayers are near-universally depicted as middle class or lower in the canon. I am interested in how the Watchers' Council deals with having a Slayer who is actually someone important.

And about the Chinese Slayer who was killed by Spike: The Buffy wiki tells me her name in the comics is Xin Rong, so if you don't want to make up a name for her, that one exists! But I don't care either way and if you have an idea for a name you'd like better, that's cool!

Also, practically the only comic I've read for Buffy is The Origin, which rewrote the movie to comply with show canon. In it, Buffy has a dream where she flashes back to being an unnamed Chinese sex worker in the 19th century. Being that the Chinese Slayer was killed in 1900, that means that she was active during the late 1800s- AKA, the 19th century. So it is very likely that that backstory was intended for her. You are not required to use this at all. But if you're looking for extra canonical inspiration, that does exist.

If you're not super into gen, I'll throw in that I'm also into seeing how Slayers other than Buffy and Faith handle romantic relationships. :D? Annnnd that I'm not against Watcher/Slayer relationships, either.

Angelus/Darla/Drusilla/Spike (Buffyverse TV)

I don't have a lot of specific plot ideas for this one. /o\ It's all vibes: I am super here for historical drama and toxic romance and devotion that corrupts. I wanna see all of them being insane about each other. I wanna see them be sarcastic and mean to each other and casually violent. I also wanna see them having tender moments that you wouldn't expect.

I love the idea of Angelus kinda horrifying but also impressing the rest of them (canon: "Dear Boy," Darla specifically says no other vampire could ever keep up with him, not even her) and all of them being in love with him and his loss being a real blow to the family. (There's a deleted line from "Fool for Love"/"Darla" that haunts me, when Darla was threatening the Kalderash girl's father: "You have other daughters. I had only him.") I love the idea of Spike projecting his mommy issues on Darla and them dealing with that in unhealthy and overtly sexual ways. I love Angelus and Spike having their bro-y friendship that can become intense and sexually charged on a turn of the dime. I love the idea of Drusilla being the one they all kind of try to care of, but also frequently being more than any of them can handle. (Not interested in a realistic depiction of mental illness here, sorry. Drusilla is nonsensical fantasy crazy and that's fine.)

I love them being shitty and selfish, but also occasionally noble and unwilling to sacrifice each other. (Darla and Angelus got to do both in their Holtz adventures! Compare the flashbacks from "The Trial" to "Heartthrob" to "Offspring." They clearly had an Emotional Journey about each other during the 1760s-1770s.)

Deal with any canon events you want, or just make up something new. I am 100% here for the vibes and the relationship more than anything. Any plot you want to plug those into is cool with me, and if you want to do plotless shippy stuff, that is just fine. >:D

Angel/Darla/Drusilla/Spike (Buffyverse TV)

This is so much trickier but is very dear to my heart. The four of them were only together once after he got his soul (their time in China in 1900), and it was not very long, and it ended very tragically. I would love something that explored that time, especially if it dealt with Angel's relationships with each of them individually as well as his relationship with all of them as a group, and most especially if it dealt with how the other three dealt with losing him, getting him back, and losing him again. Pain is pretty much what I'm looking for here; lots of pain.

I would also be into something that brings them back together again later! We got close in S2/S5 with "Crush" when Dru went to Sunnydale to try and get Spike to come to L.A with her and Darla, so: what would have happened if he'd come? How would S2 of Angel have ended differently if he had?

Or! Let's talk even after that. What happens if Darla's ghost haunts Spike while he's insane in the basement in S7, and the family slowly comes back together?

Or way, way, way after that. In a post-apocalyptic scenario where the dead rise, what happens if Spike or Dru finds a re-resurrected Darla? What happens if the four of them are finally together again here at the end of all things?

Hell, there are even some appealing AU scenarios, like what if Angel doesn't leave them in China? Or what if Darla's still alive in S2 of Buffy when Spike and Dru show up?

Or something else! Again, I am all about the vibes and relationships here. Do what feels good for you!

Angel/Darla & Connor (Buffyverse TV)

It's been twenty years and I still have a lot of feelings about Darla's death/Connor's birth in S3. That may have been the most emotional TV has ever made me in my entire life. I love it and canonically, I wouldn't change it. ...but that doesn't mean I never wanted fic that went the other way.

I would love fic where she survived the birth and then they have to figure out what happens next. As a family. And, ideally, eventually, as a couple. :D?

Angel/Darla (Buffyverse TV)

I have a very special place in my heart for these two as a couple alone, distinct from their relationship when he was evil. If I wanted to explain it, all I could really do is feebly wave at season two of Angel and make whimpering noises. They are obsessed with each other. They'll still torture and kill for each other, even when both of them have souls. He was willing to die for her, even with everything, and she was willing to die with him, just because his love made that less scary. And, on the flipside, when she came to kill him, she gave up on it the second he wanted to be with her, and when he lost faith in everything and was ready to die or lose his soul, he put himself in her hands.

Whether it's more of his relationship with the human Darla, or what happens if the vampire Darla doesn't go quietly after Epiphany (oh Christ, or what happens if he's actually there when she finds out she's pregnant), I'm interested and I want it.

Darla/Spike (Buffyverse TV)

Fact: Darla/Spike is the least developed relationship of the subrelationships within the four. We have a pretty solid idea in canon what Angelus/Darla, Spike/Drusilla, Spike/Angelus, Angelus/Drusilla, and Darla/Drusilla are like. But there are like...four scenes total where Darla and Spike are even in the same room and all of two lines where they even address each other directly.

I've always wanted to read something that developed them. And being honest, developed them into something other than mutual loathing while they fight over Angelus. >:( So let's not do that. What if Darla and Spike actually liked each other? What then?

I did mention I like the idea of his mommy issues being a thing in their relationship, but I'm open to other "what if they liked each other" possibilities!

What were the two of them like at the height of their European tour glory days? Or in China when all Spike and Dru know is that she threw Angelus out of the house for two years without saying why? Or them in China while Angel is there but nothing's the same and it sucks? Or them in China after Angel leaves and they know for sure he's not coming back this time? Maybe when they actually split up so Spike and Dru could go off on their own? Or them meeting somewhere in the many years afterwards like maybe Woodstock?

Or maybe Darla goes to him to turn her back into a vampire after Angel said no. Or Darla sees him when she's pregnant and it's very weird and neither knows it's the last time they'll ever see each other. Or we can revisit the idea above where Darla's ghost haunts him while he's insane in the basement!

There's a lot of possibilities and I am here for all of them. :9

Angel & Darla & Drusilla & Spike & Connor (Buffyverse TV)

I like Connor. A lot of people didn't and that's cool. But I like Connor.

This is another one that's mostly just vibes. I want to see him with the rest of his vampire family. We really only ever saw him with Angel, and very briefly with Darla. (I do think that the Darla ghost from "Inside Out" was real, but I also think that she would be different as a more revenant-like ghost or if she were alive again as either human or vampire. I think, contrary to her fears when she was in labor, she would still love her son. But I think it would also be the kind of fraught, sometimes unkind, and generally undemonstrative sort of love that's more typical of her other relationships.)

I'm open to however you want to get them around each other, and I am very sympathetic to the difficulty of trying to get them all in one place, so if you wanted to do it in one-on-one pairs in like a Five Things That Never Happened format, that would be pretty cool!

I'm also here for weird AUs, time travel, or the surprisingly underutilized possibility that Drusilla had a vision and decided to intervene. And this is another lineup where I'm here for trapped together at the end of the world!

I used the & here because I'm not really prioritizing romance with this request, but I'm open to whatever ships you want.

Rupert Giles & Ethan Rayne & Philip Henry & Deidre Page & Thomas Sutcliffe & Randall (Buffyverse TV)

And now for something totally different. :D

Where is my fic about young Giles, Ethan, and their gang fighting vampires, summoning demons, and going to underground concerts that gets just a little too into the music of the period and has done slightly too much research about what the punk scene of 70s Britain was like? There was a ton of this for the Marauders in Harry Potter fandom back in the day, but I never saw anything really like that for Giles and Company.

Obviously I don't expect you to do a ton of research on what the punk scene of 70s Britain was like. ;-) I just mean the feeling of the characters being grounded in a time and a place.

I think the thing I'm most interested in here is the group dynamic, seeing more of young Giles as he was in "Band Candy," and addressing their history with the demon Eyghon and exactly whose idea it was to try using demonic possession to get high. And what it was like, for that matter, because I don't know that a demonic possession high sounds especially fun.

Again, I used the & here because romance isn't my main priority with this request, but I do ship Ethan/Giles if you're wanting to do something with that. :D?

Crossover Fandom

Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Labyrinth (1986)

Jake Peralta & Captain Holt & Kevin Cozner & 99 Squad (B99 TV) & Jareth (Labyrinth movie)

Like two years ago now, I had the thought, "What if Jake wished Cheddar into the labyrinth and hijinks ensued?" I have been dying to read it ever since.

I love the idea of Amy's head exploding over magic being real, or Holt reacting to literally anything in the labyrinth (the "one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies" logic puzzle, for instance- does he figure it out immediately and confuse the others as to how the hell that works, or does it end up being like the Monty Hall problem?).

And how does everyone react to Jareth? This is David Bowie at the height of his sexiness, and I feel like basically the entire squad would react accordingly, but you tell me what you think it'd be!

If that doesn't grab you, though, I am very interested in what would happen if someone tried to report "The Goblin King stole my baby" to the squad. True facts: the human world parts of the original movie were filmed in Long Island, New York, so the option of interviewing an older Sarah as a witness exists!

The Sandman (TV)/Discworld/Final Destination

Death (Sandman TV 2022) & DEATH (Discworld) & Death (Final Destination movies)

This one takes some explaining.

My favorite character in Discworld and Sandman alike is Death. I love them both so much and want so badly for them to meet. I'm not particular about how! Really anything will do. And on the wildly improbable chance that we matched on something else but this idea grabs you more than whatever it is and you're going, "I wish she had asked for the comics version right now, this sounds fun but I've never seen the show," good news! I also love the comics and would be down for that, too.

I saw Final Destination fairly recently and it kind of made me think of Reaper Man and how the Auditors thought DEATH was too humanish and fond of humans. The formless and malicious Death of Final Destination seems more like what they had in mind, even moreso than the King Death they inadvertently made, so I would love to see DEATH take this one on, too.

Similarly, Sandman!Death thinking that Final Destination!Death cannot be good for a universe (or possibly can only exist in a universe that's already broken) and this should maybe be dealt with would be awesome.

And so: Death teaming up with DEATH to stop Death. It's the dream. *____* (I do mean Discworld DEATH and Sandman Death, teaming up to stop Final Destination Death, but it was funnier to put it this way. /o\)

I love the idea of this whole thing being anything from a multiversal crisis (in which case feel free to bring in other Deaths as backup or cannon fodder as you like- Death from Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Shachath from American Horror Story, Verna from The Fall of the House of Usher, whatever others you can think of) to just a quiet confrontation where Sandman Death and Discworld DEATH suggest that Final Destination Death find a less destructive hobby.

WandaVision/The Gifted/X-Men (ATM)

Wanda Maximoff (WandaVision TV) & Peter Maximoff (X-Men ATM) & Lorna Dane (The Gifted TV)

This one, I think, doesn't need as much explanation. *g* But here we go.

I do not accept that some random dude named Olek Maximoff is Wanda's dad. I know comics go back and forth on this, but I've always preferred it when Magneto is her father. It's cool! I don't think there's been a version where he actually raised her anyway. :D?

The Gifted is actually canon for the X-Men movieverse, which means that if Magneto is Wanda's father, then Lorna, Peter, and (my heart! ;___;) Nina are her siblings. So I'm interested in things that play with that.

I again recognize the challenge of getting all of them in one place, so if you just want to do Wanda with one sibling at a time in separate fics or in a Five Things That Never Happened format, I'm down for that!

I will die mad about the Fietro thing. Whether Peter was already hiding out in Westview (just who was Jimmy's person in WitSec, hmmm?) or Agatha just didn't know what Wanda's real brother looked like and just snatched up a close enough alternate to fuck with her and now he's imbibed too much Hex to go home, I would love Peter and Wanda finally, truly getting to know each other after WandaVision when she's sad and alone.

How are things different if Agatha accidentally scoops up Wanda's sister instead of her brother and just tries to make it work? Also, what would Lorna be like with Vision and the boys? And if Lorna's still there after Wanda disassembles the Hex, how do they relate to each other when they're both moms separated from their children and how does that change Wanda's choices re: the Darkhold?

I actually really liked Multiverse of Madness, but I do mourn the House of M movie we didn't get. So I would love it if Wanda, in her dreamwalking travels, managed to meet with Lorna and Peter (and, if you fancy it, either of the two movieverse Magnetos or even ;___; Nina). This is something where I would love to get something darker and more serious...but I would also love to just see what happens if Lorna and Peter see her in their nightmares and just somehow know she's their sister.

Incorporate things like Multiverse of Madness or X-Men: Apocalypse as you see fit! And, um, maybe ignore the fact that Peter should really be like sixty by the time The Gifted takes place. Time travel? Mutant aging? We just don't know!

X-Men (ATM)/The Gifted/Deadpool

Peter Maximoff (X-Men ATM) & Lorna Dane (The Gifted TV) & Deadpool (Deadpool movies)

Again, not super hard to explain. :D But I'm okay with this being split into different relationships if needed. Here are some thoughts:

- Everyone mutant and mutant-like is on the run from the government in general and the Sentinels in particular. Lorna and Peter are trying to work out their feelings about being half-siblings, plus their feelings about Magneto, while stuck on a fugitive road trip with Wade. What could go wrong?

- Alterantely, just Peter and Lorna finding out about each other and trying to work out this relationship could be good. :D?

- Wade and Lorna annoying each other for the length of one fic! Maybe Lorna has to recruit him or Wade has come to her to get through the Underground. I would be very amused if at some point, Wade's country of origin came up so someone could ask him in total exasperation why he didn't just go to the damn Canadian embassy and ask them for help.

- Peter and Wade doing crimes. I would love to have another idea, or a more specific idea, but honestly, it's Peter and Wade. They're going to do crimes.

Spider-Man (Raimi)/Spider-Man (Webb)/Spider-Man (MCU)

Peter Parker (Raimi movies) & Peter Parker (Webb movies) & Peter Parker (Tom Holland movies)

I loved No Way Home so much that I just want to see more crossovers involving these three.

I loved the relationship between the three Spider-Men and the scenes that were just about that were very much my favorite. I love Tobey Maguire Peter and the way that he is just 100% the dad the whole time, from talking to Andrew Garfield Peter about his negative self-talk to the very emotional moment where he stops Tom Holland Peter from killing Green Goblin not because he necessarily wants to save Norman but because he definitely wants to save Peter. (I think I described this moment to a friend once as "His expression is 'Daddy's got you' 100000%.")

I would love to get fic where Tom Holland Peter in his friendless post-movie life cracks stable interdimensional communication so he can reach out to the other two and follow them around over his wonky beefed-up burner phone like a lost puppy. It doesn't have to be both of the older Spider-Men in one fic if that's too hard! Peter constantly calling one mentor is fine.

I would especially love it if this could show the differences between the two older Spider-Men's lives. Like how is the marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson going? What does being rageful and not pulling his punches and not having time for "Peter Parker stuff" mean for Peter 3's life?

I don't know how to deal with the name issue, but I am hoping it can be something other than renaming them Tobey and Andrew. If it's from Tom Holland Peter's POV, maybe he can just distinguish between the two by giving them funny nicknames? (Cool Youth Pastor Peter? Sad Bachelor Uncle Peter? There's gotta be something there!)

Spider-Men (Raimi)/Spider-Man (Webb)

Peter Parker/Mary-Jane Watson (Raimi movies)/Peter Parker (Webb movies)

The only good thing about me seeing Morbius is that I know it's canon now that when Strange fixed the spell, not everybody was sent back to their universe of origin. I would love fic where AGarf!Peter gets stuck in Tobey!Peter's universe, especially if it resulted in a friends to lovers OT3 with Mary Jane that has lots of Harry grief and Gwen grief along the way.

Venom (movies)/Hannibal (TV)

Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote (Venom Movies) & Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal TV)

This comes from a Tumblr post that was going around a couple years ago, but I've always liked the idea: For journalism reasons, Hannibal Lecter invites Eddie Brock for dinner one night. Eddie and Venom know they are being served human. How does poor Eddie handle this situation? And what do he and Venom decide to do about their host?

Thor (Movies)/Loki (TV)

Hela (Thor movies)/Sylvie (Loki TV)

Gonna level with you, I'm a little bit of a migratory femslasher. /o\ So I just really want Hela/Sylvie.

Since Sylvie's version of Odin and Frigga didn't lie to her about being adopted, I love the idea that they didn't lie to her about Hela, either. I feel like that opens up a lot of possibilities! Has Sylvie sort of idolized her banished older sister from afar and now the reality is "Wait, like me, but hot? *___*"? (A thing we happen to know a Loki can be into. ;-))

Or has she been preparing herself for the day Hela is freed and she has to face her, but with everything else that's going on in her life post-Loki S1, it's no longer an epic quest but "Goddamn it, I seriously have to be responsible for this water bottle right now???"

I don't know quite how the romance would work, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess "maladjusted." :D?

Spider-Man (MCU movies)/The Falcon & The Winter Soldier (TV)

Peter Parker (Tom Holland movies) & Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson (The Falcon & The Winter Soldier TV)

I have a lot of feelings about the fact that Peter is alone in the world with no family or friends after Spider-Man: No Way Home. So I've been thinking about this for a while: what if he decides that now that he's got to be a brooding loner hero, the broodingest loner/loneliest brooder he knows of is Bucky Barnes and maybe he can tell him about Going It Alone? While Bucky is just like, "This is 100% not how being alone works."

There's just something so sweet to me about the thought of Peter going to Bucky for help going it alone, unaware that even asking Bucky that is just automatically activating every single one of Bucky's older brother instincts and undermining his goal entirely.

I would especially love it if this involves Sam trolling Bucky endlessly about being adopted by a superhero-shaped stray cat and Bucky trying to fob Peter off on Sam as Sam's mentee while Sam goes, "Nah. This is your superhero-shaped stray cat."

I'm just here for the found family feels. :D?

Thor (Movies)/Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (TV)

Loki (Thor movies)/Santa Ana Wind (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend TV)

Okay, if you've never seen Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, this may seem nuts. But I swear if you see the Santa Ana Wind in context, it becomes clear immediately!

It's just two attractive, mythological pranksters who just want to see what will happen. I think it'd be just be really fun and funny, and I just need that in my life right now, okay? /o\

Fallout (TV 2024)

Lee Moldaver/Rose MacLean (Fallout TV 2024)

I just finished this show yesterday (August 29, 2024) and in the last episode, this ship punched in the freaking face. Holy crap. Just the reveal that Rose had taken her kids and left her husband and then Lee had taken them in at Shady Sands, and then everything got destroyed because of it. The reveal that Lee has been keeping Rose as a fading ghoul for the last twenty years. And then Lee choosing to sit with Rose's body and talk about the realization of their shared goals as she dies.

No. I don't think so. There's a love story here and I want it.

I'm very okay with it being a total downer, since basically everything about their story is. I'm also interested in how exactly Rose became a ghoul (did she and Lee try to heal her after the bombing of Shady Sands and then...that?) and how Rose then became a feral ghoul, and what that's like for a couple to go through together.

As I said in my signup, I left out my "requested character death" DNW for this one because I am okay with addressing their canonical deaths, but I would rather they weren't killed off in some other way.

House of the Dragon (TV)

Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Alicent Hightower (HotD TV)

These three are basically my favorite characters and I love both Daemon/Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra/Alicent equally. So of course I am interested in pursuing the threesome option, because that is just kind of how I roll.

I'm not really interested in it when Alicent and Rhaenyra were teenagers, but I think a lot about the night Viserys died and how the adults, at least, were all at peace for a few hours before everything went to hell and how things might have been different if Daemon and Rhaenyra were in the room with Alicent and Viserys when he died. How there might have been no misunderstanding of what Viserys' last words meant, how Daemon and Rhaenyra's active presence in King's Landing might have meant no coup took place, and how different the grieving/mourning period for them as a family might have been if none of that horror show had been happening.

And, yeah...I like to think that might have meant that Daemon and Rhaenyra might've been there for Alicent, and that could maybe mean things like Alicent getting to discover sex does not have to be lying back and thinking of Westeros while a zombie rots on top of you.

Rhaenyra Targaryen/Alicent Hightower (HotD TV)

Alicent/Rhaenyra, on the other hand, is something that I want at basically any time. Alicent and Rhaenyra as young women before Alicent's marriage, playing the Westerosi version of games like Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle and things maybe going a bit too far. Alicent and Rhaenyra having an emotional confrontation that is fraught and angry and then maybe escalates to making out after Alicent's engagement is announced. Any of the quiet, actually nice moments they might've had after Alicent became her stepmother but before Aegon was born and that soured their relationship even more. Or hey, what if Luke had just punched Aemond in the eye instead of stabbing him in it? There would still have been a confrontation between Alicent and Rhaenyra, I'm sure, but maybe it wouldn't have had to be one where Alicent freaks out, tries to maim a child, and ends up stabbing Rhaenyra. Maybe it could've been something else, that dealt with the feelings they had to repress when they were younger.

Or, more recently, what happens when Alicent takes Helaena and defects to the Blacks? How might that go...romantically? (Come to think of it, this option also nicely dovetails with Alicent/Daemon/Rhaenyra. :9)

Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laena Velaryon (HotD TV)

I'm fine with most of the changes from the book, except for the loss of the years where they all spent a lot of time together at Driftmark and Dragonstone, where Rhaenyra was alleged to deeply love Laena and she and Daemon mourned her together. It doesn't port easily to the show, but I don't see any reason Rhaenyra and Laenor couldn't go visit them in Pentos- or just Rhaenyra and the kids, maybe with their sworn protector, Harwin Strong. :999

The threesome subtext in the book is strong and I think it would be awesome to have here, just saying.

Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Harwin Strong (HotD TV)

Similarly, once you've gone and established that Daemon and Rhaenyra were into each other the whole time, I don't see why we can't have some visiting with threesomes. I'm very, very, very here for a bisexual Daemon seducing Harwin for Rhaenyra's entertainment. *___* :99999

Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Harwin Strong/Laena Velaryon (HotD TV)

Yeah. See above. I'd try to elaborate more on this foursome idea, but I'd really just be repeating myself.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Alexander Rozhenko/Tora Ziyal (ST:DS9 TV)

Yeah, this is a bit of a crackship, and it's a crackship I should probably explain, so here goes.

1) The general lack of alien4alien ships on all Treks is appalling. 2) They are roughly the same age. 3) They're both hybrids who blatantly do not fit into their parents' societies and struggle with having no sense of belonging and deserve to have an understanding partner. 4) It would amuse me to see Worf shit himself over Alexander dating Gul Dukat's daughter. 5) Garak/Ziyal would then not have happened, freeing up the potential for Garak/Bashir. Win/win!

Okay, it's not a perfect explanation. But there really are a lot of parallels between Alexander and Ziyal that resonate with me. Their existence is considered weird and shameful by the societies they come from. They both lost their mothers young and they're both estranged from their fathers but trying to have a relationship with them as adults. He joined the Klingon army to try and make it there and didn't fit in at all, she tried to live on Cardassia but found that everybody there hated her.

So yeah, I have feelings about them as individuals that I think could be explored interestingly through them as a couple.

Plus, I think there's a lot of interesting stuff to explore with other characters around them, too. Kira and Garak acting insanely protective over Ziyal and Worf not even knowing they're dating because he's the worst father in the galaxy. And the seizure he would have if he found out his son was dating not just a non-Klingon because gentle reminder that Worf is kind of a hypocrite, but Gul Dukat's fucking daughter. Jadzia is the only one who could stop him from sabotaging the wedding.

I don't know all the details of how to make it work, but if you do, I love you. ♥

Quark/Grilka (ST:DS9 TV)

Quark/Grilka was my very first Trek ship, and is still the only Quark ship I can buy into. I would love to see some follow-up on their relationship and how it evolved after their hookup in "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places." I like the idea that they stayed together for the rest of the series and we just didn't really get to see it (although the canon probably doesn't bear that out, just pretend for me!). I love the humor and tenderness that tends to permeate the interactions between them and would love to see more. I also love the idea of some of the mundane aspects of their relationship that nonetheless make each other's lives better. (I bet you Quark does her taxes. I bet you also that if Quark had someone who wanted to break his legs over money, Grilka broke their legs for him.)

I'm just looking for something fun!

Dukat/Tora Naprem (ST:DS9 TV)

I am actually really interested in Dukat/Naprem and what that relationship was like. Not to mention Naprem as a character about whom we only know three things: she had an affair of 13+ years with Dukat, she gave their daughter a Cardassian name, and she wore a pledge bracelet to identify herself to others as being in a relationship. Was she a collaborator just doing what she had to do to get by in a society being crushed under the Cardassians' heels? Was she a peacenik who thought they could make friends with the Cardassians, trying to act as an informal ambassador? Was she a spy who was supposed to kill him and fell in love instead? I'd take any of these, or any other ideas you might have! It's okay if she's naive and too good for this sinful universe if you'd rather, and it's also okay if she's unlikeable and it's a romance between two callous individuals. My only DNW here is that while I know it is very, very plausible that their relationship did not begin consensually, I would rather that wasn't the case.

Dukat/Dukat's Wife (ST:DS9 TV)

The relationship between Dukat and his wife is another one that really intrigues me. I think that a lot of the draw of it is the same as the draw with Naprem- it's a complete canonical vacuum that I'd like to fill. What kind of woman loves Dukat??? It's even more surprising with Athra, because she was married to him for like fifty years and seven children, and soldiered through it even when he lived on Bajor without her for like fifteen or twenty years. The straw that broke her back was him having a half-Bajoran daughter and bringing her to Cardassia. So what is she like? And what is he like with her?

Original Klingon Character/Original Vulcan Character (ST:DS9 TV)

I'll say it again: The paucity of alien4alien ships on all Treks is appalling. >:( Klingons and Vulcans have always been my favorites, and they are both wildly different cultures while having some similarities that might be fun to play with. (For instance, they're both super strong and apparently employ some choking in their mating habits.) I prefer femslash or het (especially if the woman is the Klingon), but I won't say no to two dudes if that's what your heart desires. I also generally prefer ignoring pon farr, but if you've got an idea for it, go for it!

Thor (Movies)

Solo: Hela (Thor)

I love Hela way more than she probably deserves. /o\ I'm interested in almost anything you can do with her, from backstory fill-in to AUs to missing scenes to character introspection. Really, anything. I'm kind of desperate.

Okay, well, almost anything. I'm not really here for "Hela was right" or "Because of XYZ background trauma, it's not really Hela's fault" or anything that makes her something other than a bad guy. She did a lot of murder. She cut out her brother's eye. She used to do a lot of colonizing and genociding. I like her anyway. I support women's wrongs! Let Hela be wrong!

Hela & Loki & Thor (Thor)

I am very, very, very interested in the kind of sibling relationship these three could've had post-Ragnarok if Hela had lived. (Not that I'm bitter.) I think that Thor would have wanted to give Hela a chance to be something better, if he had the option. I think while Loki might have Opinions about that, Thor would also point out he hasn't got much of a leg to stand on. I support women's wrongs, but I like redemption arcs! I want Hela to start as a bad guy...but she doesn't have to stay one.

So yeah. Let's fix her relationships with her brothers and her past with faith, love, and Thor just being really stubborn. :D?

Hela/Loki/Thor (Thor)

I actually do like incest ships, but not usually the same ones fandom likes (except when they're canon). The common thread with my non-canon incest ships is that due to kidnapping, banishment, or political maneuvering, they were separated at birth or very early age and never got the chance to bond as family. So I've never really been into Thor/Loki, but I am very interested in Thor/Loki/Hela where they never would've gone there without her.

I also tend to prefer incest fic be more dark and fucked up, and have never been a big fan of fic where they go, "Eh, they're alien gods, no one cares, this is normal." I don't want normal. >>>:( I want pining and angst and secrecy and sexy shame.

Loki/The Tesseract | Space Stone (Thor Movies)

This is by far the wildest fic I will ever ask for, but hell with it, I want Loki/Tesseract. :D? I love person/magical object ships and there really are not very many out there, and Loki and the Tesseract have a three movie history at this point that shows he can never just walk past her and she must want him to run off with her because she never dumped him on Vormir to chill with the Soul Stone, unlike some other dudes who have picked her up. I'd love something where she communicates with him in psychic, non-verbal things he can sense that mostly feel like his own idea to get him to go places and do things, and going the places and doing the things causes her to achieve human form and then the dynamic is kind of like Eleven/TARDIS in The Doctor's Wife. I would especially love it if Thor made fun of Loki for this for basically forever. I'm good with either them living happily ever after as man and former cube wife, or a sad ending where she has to go back to being a cube because otherwise the universe will end, whichever's easier!

What If...? (Cartoon 2021)

WB: Societal Collapse Post-Zombie Apocalypse (What If...?)

This is entirely World War Z's fault. (The book, not the movie.) I love the idea of an Oral History of the Zombie War for the MCU. What changes in the testimony of ordinary zombie apocalypse survivors if superheroes are in that world and the origin of the virus was the Quantum Realm? What would the MCU characters say in similar interviews? Pick a couple and go nuts!

1602!Thor & 1602!Loki & 1602!Hela (What If...?)

This episode killed me dead because it implies that Thor and Hela are friendly, peaceful co-rulers who care about each other and are also there to support Loki in his theater kid ambitions. Thor goes absolutely insane trying to get his sister back. Loki has the loving support of two siblings and is mostly staying out of trouble!

Everything about it was excellent and I want more.

Hela/Xu Wenwu (What If...?)

I've been working on this letter for five hours now and I'm Very Tired, this may not be very articulate. /o\ These two were so entertaining to watch in the episode and had so much chemistry and oh look, Hela has a canonical redemption arc somewhere. So of course I loved it and of course, I want to see more of what happened, both in missing scenes and after the episode ended.

And yeah, I'm very into the idea of Hela and Wenwu's possible romance. :D?

Kahhori & Peggy Carter & Stephen Strange (What If...?)

Look, I just want to see them being a team, now that Peggy and Kahhori and there's a Strange around who sacrificed himself to save the multiverse. (You can just handwave that he died, maybe he's just sitting outside the universe again and Peggy or Kahhori figures out how to let him back in.)

I love adventure, banter, friendship, and former bad guys being faced with temptation but overcoming it. :D?

Solo: Kahhori (What If...?)

I love Kahhori and I loved her story so much. I'm really interested in seeing how things in her home universe played out after she forced Isabella of Castile to make peace. I love alternate history and it set up such a good one! :D?

Also, I ship Kahhori/Atahraks, so I would not hate something with a subplot to that effect.

The Wheel of Time (TV)

Egwene al'Vere/Renna (WoT TV)

I would like something hot, gross, and id-y about Egwene/Renna, please. /o\ This ship brings out all of my most shameful kinks and I'm kinda hoping to just play that out. I like dubcon, I like hatefucking, I like femdomme shit with a small piece of light humiliation, I like people being dragged around by their chains and thrown to the floor like a doll. And...normally I don't like noncon, but okay, this is a ship where I'm kind of okay with it.

For more plotty options, I also like tables being turned in a fraught relationship, enemies to lovers, characters fucking other characters against their own better judgment, and (of course) redemption arcs.

If you're looking for something more specific, I'm pretty much hoping for an AU where Egwene doesn't escape from Renna until later and the different things that means she goes through, and different relationships she has with the other prisoners and the other Sul'dam, and how that impacts her relationship with Renna. Or an AU where she doesn't kill Renna and Renna comes crawling to her for help now that her entire identity and cultural belief system has been flipped upside down.

Nynaeve al'Meara/Rand al'Thor/Egwene al'Vere/Perrin Aybara/Mat Cauthon (WoT TV)

I don't know what it is about this fandom that just unlocks my kinks, but I am surprisingly into the idea of Nynaeve/Egwene/Rand/Mat/Perrin saving the world with an orgy. On purpose, like they somehow find out that having an orgy will repel the dark one for 3,000 years, and then set out to do that and it's just completely drowning in all of the feels, love and angst and jealousy and forgiveness and fear. :D? Perhaps with sexy shame and tender railing and maybe a small piece of light lolz. :D? :D?