Dear future Crossworker,

Hi! I'm [ao3] Heather. Thank you so much for writing for me, and for offering my tiny fandom(s) in the first place. My tastes are all over the place, and I'm easy to please, so no pressure.

Some general guidelines:

- I like gen, het, slash, and femslash all just fine!

- For lighter stuff, I love humor, romance, banter, bickering odd couples, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, pining, and characters being bad at feelings.

- For darker things, I love creepy, slow-build, slow-burn horror that's all about the never-ending tension. I don't have a very strong stomach for violence, though, so if you could keep that to a minimum, I'd appreciate it.

- In general, I'm into worldbuilding and setting porn- that is, if you're really into loving, detailed descriptions of the world the characters live in, by all means, indulge yourself! I'm a very visual reader, and I eat that stuff up like candy. And I've never liked a canon where I didn't want to know more about its culture and history.

- I love all ratings equally, from General Audiences to Explicit. If you lean more towards the Mature to Explicit range, I'm pretty good with most kinks, provided they don't involve corpses, animals, children, or bodily fluids. I'm sometimes okay with dubcon (e.g, alcohol-driven first times, provided both characters really wanted it and are fine afterwards) but this tends to be situational and by fandom or pairing. I'm not a fan of noncon. Please no mpreg.

- I generally prefer it if the fic fits the tone of the canon it's for: light-hearted fic for light-hearted fandoms, darker fic for the darker ones. Once in a while, I'll have a darker prompt in a lighter canon or vice versa, but if my prompts don't grab you, then this is a really good rule of thumb!

Above all, though, my favorite thing to see in a fic is one where it feels like the writer really enjoyed what they were doing, so please, please, try to write something that makes you happy. ♥

Optional details are, of course, optional, but if you'd like a prompt to help you get started, read on!

Labyrinth/Brooklyn Nine Nine

- Like a year ago, I had the thought, "What if Jake wished Cheddar into the labyrinth and hijinks ensued?" I have been dying to read it ever since. I love the idea of Amy's head exploding over magic being real, or Holt reacting to literally anything in the labyrinth (the "one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies" logic puzzle, for instance- does he figure it out immediately and confuse the others as to how the hell that works, or does it end up being like the Monty Hall problem?), and how does everyone react to Jareth?

- If that doesn't grab you, though, I am very interested in what would happen if someone tried to report "The Goblin King stole my baby" to the squad. True facts: the human world parts of the original movie were filmed in Long Island, New York, so the option of interviewing an older Sarah as a witness exists!

Spider-Man (Raimi)/Spider-Man (Webb)/Spider-Man (MCU)

- I loved No Way Home so much that I just want to see more crossovers involving these three.

- Tom Holland Peter in his friendless post-movie life cracks stable interdimensional communication so he can reach out to the other two and follow them around over his wonky beefed-up burner phone like a lost puppy. It doesn't have to be both of the older Spider-Men if that's not what you offered! Peter constantly calling one mentor is fine.

- The only good thing about me seeing Morbius is that I know it's canon now that when Strange fixed the spell, not everybody was sent back to their universe of origin. I would love fic where AGarf!Peter gets stuck in Tobey!Peter's universe, especially if it resulted in a friends to lovers OT3 with Mary Jane that has lots of Harry grief and Gwen grief along the way.

X-Men (ATM)/The Gifted/Deadpool

- Everyone mutant and mutant-like is on the run from the government in general and the Sentinels in particular. Lorna and Peter are trying to work out their feelings about being half-siblings, plus their feelings about Magneto, while stuck on a fugitive road trip with Wade. What could go wrong?

- Alterantely, just Peter and Lorna finding out about each other and trying to work out this relationship could be good. :D?

- Wade and Lorna annoying each other for the length of one fic! Maybe Lorna has to recruit him or Wade has come to her to get through the Underground. I would be very amused if at some point, Wade's country of origin came up so someone could ask him in total exasperation why he didn't just go to the damn Canadian embassy and ask them for help.

- Peter and Wade doing crimes. I would love to have another idea, or a more specific idea, but honestly, it's Peter and Wade. They're going to do crimes.

Men in Black/21 Jump Street

- Okay, so this weird-ass request comes from something pretty specific: This was an actual movie that was in the works and got canceled. News of the cancellation was one of the greatest fandom-related disappointments of my entire life. I want even just a piece of what it would've been like. You can use whatever MiB characters you want- J, K, H, M, O, Z. I'm not particular, I liked all of the movies, including International. But what I really want is Jenko and Schmidt and the Men in Black. :D?

The Sandman (TV)/Discworld/Final Destination

- My favorite character in Discworld and Sandman alike is Death. I love them both so much and want so badly for them to meet. I'm not particular about how! Really anything will do. And on the wildly improbable chance that we matched on something else but this idea grabs you more than whatever it is and you're going, "I wish she had asked for the comics version right now, this sounds fun but I've never seen the show," good news! I also love the comics and would be down for that, too.

- I saw Final Destination fairly recently and it kind of made me think of Reaper Man and how the Auditors thought DEATH was too humanish and fond of humans. The formless and malicious Death of Final Destination seems more like what they had in mind, even moreso than the King Death they inadvertently made, so I would love to see DEATH take this one on, too.

- Similarly, Sandman!Death thinking that Final Destination!Death cannot be good for a universe (or possibly can only exist in a universe that's already broken) and this should maybe be dealt with would be awesome.

- Death teaming up with DEATH to stop Death. It's the dream. *____* (I do mean Discworld DEATH and Sandman Death, teaming up to stop Final Destination Death, but it was funnier to put it this way. /o\)

WandaVision/The Gifted/X-Men (ATM)

- I do not accept that some random dude named Olek Maximoff is Wanda's dad. I know comics go back and forth on this, but I've always preferred it when Magneto is her father. It's cool! I don't think there's been a version where he actually raised her anyway. :D?

- I will die mad about the Fietro thing. Whether Peter was already hiding out in Westview (who was Jimmy's person in WitSec, hmmm?) or Agatha just didn't know what Wanda's real brother looked like and just snatched up a close enough alternate to fuck with her and now he's imbibed too much Hex to go home, I would love Peter and Wanda finally, truly getting to know each other after WandaVision when she's sad and alone.

- How are things different if Agatha accidentally scoops up Wanda's sister instead of her brother and just tries to make it work? Also, what would Lorna be like with Vision and the boys? And if Lorna's still there after Wanda disassembles the Hex, how do they relate to each other when they're both moms separated from their children and how does that change Wanda's choices re: the Darkhold?

- I actually really liked Multiverse of Madness, but I do mourn the House of M movie we didn't get. So I would love it if Wanda, in her dreamwalking travels, managed to meet with Lorna and Peter (and, if you fancy it, either of the two movieverse Magnetos). This is something where I would love to get something darker and more serious...but I would also love to just see what happens if Lorna and Peter see her in their nightmares and just somehow know she's their sister.

The Sandman (TV)/Constantine (TV)/Constantine (2005)

- John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), John Constantine (Matt Ryan), and Johanna Constantine (Jenna Coleman). I would love to put the three of them together. My daughter is a much bigger DC fan than I am and when I showed her the Keanu Constantine for the first time, I told her it would be better for her sanity if she accepted before we started that it was about Constantine's American cousin with similar problems, and honestly, the idea that all three of them are cousins who don't know about each other until they meet for the first time is hilarious to me. If that's too silly, though, the idea of them as multiversal variants of each other meeting because something something Crisis of Infinite Earths also sounds super cool. :D? It does not have to be all three of them- any two works just as fine for me!

MCU/Suicide Squad (movies)

- You know that thing where you had an idea you wanted to write yourself and then could never figure out how it worked? This is one of those. I saw Suicide Squad (2016) back when it originally came out and could see where the premise had potential the movie didn't fully live up to (although I did actually like it), and because I don't know as much about DC, I started picturing what it'd look like with MCU characters instead. I got as far as figuring out I wanted Bucky, Loki, and Wanda on the team, but could never figure out the villain situation (from here in 2023, maybe Hela or Sylvie? They're Enchantress-like! Seriously, never really figured this out /o\) or the actual plot. So if you can figure out how to turn my half-baked fusion idea (with either actual Amanda Waller or Nick Fury in the Amanda Waller role, maybe?) into an actual fic, I would love you forever.

- Alternately, a regular crossover would be just fine. I, Tonya having Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie always did make me wonder about what would happen if Bucky met Harley. :D? And James Gunn directing The Suicide Squad (2021) made me badly want a crossover where the Squad meets the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Venom (Movies)/Hannibal (TV)

- This comes from a Tumblr post that was going around a couple years ago, but I've always liked the idea: For journalism reasons, Hannibal Lecter invites Eddie Brock for dinner one night. Eddie and Venom know they are being served human. How does poor Eddie handle this situation? And what do he and Venom decide to do about their host?

MCU/World War Z by Max Brooks

- This one is the "What if...Zombies?!" episode of What If..?'s fault. It was hands-down my favorite episode of that entire series and it badly made me want what was basically an MCU version of World War Z. I love the idea of an Oral History of the Zombie War where the settings are combined. What changes in the testimony of the World War Z characters if superheroes are in that world and the origin of the virus was the Quantum Realm? What would the MCU characters say in similar interviews? Pick a couple and go nuts!